Welcome to my world....

Liz turns 21

Liz bday Page 2

Liz bday Page 3

Rome Day 1 and 2

Rome Day 3 and 4

Rome Day 2

Rome Day 4 and 5

Contact Me


I celebrated my 21st at the Huether... twas great fun... I managed to keep my head above ground... and i'm still standing today! yahoo!

Anyway... See pages at side for pictures...


The boys and me celebrate my birthday.. ok so this is getting on in the evening... but hey! my eyes are still open!!! ha ha ha ... I had a wonderful time! thanks guys!


Short Up-date on Me

Hello again!

Well after my trip to Rome... and then a trip to Disney world!!! I've settled back into my lovely job at the court house.  Things are going amazingly well for me, I'm completely enjoying my job, totally looking forward to summer, and believe it or not, actually excited about going to school next year!

In the past few weeks I’ve had several sentimental moments and have caught myself looking back thorough years of pictures... which are slowly but surely making their way into scrap books... man.. I take a LOT of pictures... oh well.. the memories are worth every moment!

More recently, I've been celebrating my birthday! never ending fun... great times... my little brother *sniff* has graduated... actually it was funny it was like a mini reunion, my brothers grad.  His class and my class appear to be sibling classes... twas great fun! and he did it! YEAH!

I'm looking forward to a trip to NYC in October... hopefully a trip to BC before the end of the year.. and maybe a trip to see Robin in Switzerland! ahh yes... the joys of being young and free!

ok anyway. i'll go now.. enjoy the pictures... be sure to write me an email and update me on you! Sometime a person can feel so detached from the rest of the world that they don't see all the time!!

huggs and smiles




Kindly be patient with me... since the addition of my new camera i have decided to start up a new website... my old one can still be viewed at www.angelfire.com/jazz/lizzymj should you be interested in that instead.... however newer pictures are going to be found here... and as websites are never complete... i wont tell you when mine will be done! Enjoy!!!


Lizz Old Homepage

Thanks for dropping by!