Liz in Rome! Day 3 and 4

Liz turns 21

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Rome Day 1 and 2

Rome Day 2

Rome Day 3 and 4

Rome Day 4 and 5

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The Roman Forum

Ok, next to having Gelato on the steps outside the Panthenon, the Forum is quite possibly my favourite place in Rome.  I'm crazy I know! But it was just so cool to wander amongst the ruins of a former civilization that gave so much to how we are today... maybe i have Sarah to thank for my fascination of the Romans... ha... who knows... but anyway... Day 3 started off with a visit to Plazza de Nova, a place where local artists come to sell to tourists! a few visits to churches, and then off to the ruins.  Did i tell you we had a little game going.. how many chuches in Rome can we visit?! it was great fun...our original goal was to see them all... its not possible... but it is possible to see lots of 'em and thats what we tried to do... see as many churches as we could... we have a list of all the ones we saw... and a post card picture from almost all of them! Anyway... pictures from the Forum....


As Kari still has my "bible" (travel book)
for Rome. I can't tell you exactly what
this is... I want to guess but I'll be
corrected by one of you know it alls...
so i wont guess... and I'll add in what
it is..when my book returns from Scotland!

The former Roman "justice" place

I would say court... but it wasn't really...
Anyway. Its just another wonderful
site that i enjoyed... don't you like my
very informative banter here?

The house of the Vestial Virgins

Nothing to say... hard to believe i know!

Kari Reading the Rome "bible"

I know I know.. don't call it a bible... i'm sorry. But when traveling
your travel book can be your best friend and your absolute
saviour... so forgive me my political incorrectness! Anyway
we used this book for everything... and i am putting this
picture here... now moving on! ;)

Liz at the Coliseum

After Exploring the Runis we headed for the Coliseum.
Amazing to think about what happened here so
many years ago!!! And to think of the work it must
have taken to build it....



Kari holds up the walls!

Kari at the Coliseum....don't fall on us!!!

Back to the Panthenon

As hard as it may be to see in this picture
we are back at the Panthenon, Saturday night
and there is a lovely little jazz trio playing
in the square.... it was absolutely fantastic
sitting in the square.. with Gelato of course!
listening to the sounds of people milling around
and this wonderful little group to entertain!
ahh yes...another wonderful ending to another
wonderful day!

Palm Sunday with the Pope in St. Peters Square

So, Day 4 started early with a coffee, then off to the Vatican for Palm
Sunday service with the Pope.  It was also World Youth Day
so the place was swarming with people.  And we were connected
to Germany for part of the service.  Imagine a zillion people all in one
square, all there for one reason, to celebrate Palm Sunday.  It was
quite amazing.  All the palm branches... all the people... nuns,
priests, non-catholic, catholic, children, grandparents, youth
etc etc... it was such a unique experience.  Kari was also there
for the easter services... I can only imagine what an event that
would have been.  Ah yes the joys of a world that can worship

Fountain at St. Peters.. and people


Kari and her Palm Branch


View of Rome

After our Sunday morning church service... we head out for a
little walk around the city.. we did some church visiting... and
walked up a lovely hill...and found us a view... isn't it wonderful!

Kari at a Chapel in St. Cecelia

We found this beautiful little chapel in the basement of
the St. Cecelia church. Hidden behind a little alley way,
it was so cool, all that art you're seeing is mosaic, not paint
it was so very very pretty!


On ward.. to our evening Vespers in a Roman Monastery