Liz in Rome! End of Day 4 and Day 5

Liz turns 21

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Liz bday Page 3

Rome Day 1 and 2

Rome Day 2

Rome Day 3 and 4

Rome Day 4 and 5

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Up on a hill...

Walk up the hill... there you will find a wonderful view
and you will also find three Monastery's ... we walked up
Sunday night... we were aiming for Vespers.. but got there
early... and were able to hear the tail end of an organ concert
.... and what was the organist playing?  None other than
Marcus's piece... A Bach was so wonderful...
It was great to sit back in a small intimate setting and
listen to music we both knew, but it was a different
experience to hear it in that setting!
After the organ concert we settled in for Vespers. Sung
by the monks of the Monastery, oh if you go anywhere
do be sure to partake in such an event.  Its so peaceful...

A blury Vatican

I know its blury.. .I moved... But this is the sunset we walked out into
after Vespers at the Monastery.... its wonderful.

From the Vatican Museums

Day 5 Monday... We decided that we'd spend the day in
the Vatican.  We started..(after coffee) for the museums,
after entry at 8:45am... we toured the massive museums.
We got into the Sistine Chapel. it was packed...
Beautiful, but absolutely packed with people....
truely unfortunate that such a wonderful masterpiece
can't be enjoyed due to the zainy tourists... but such
is life... it was fabulous regardless....

Enjoying the afternoon at St. Peters

After a morning in the museums, and St Peters Bascilica... which is enormous by the way... beautiful but absolutely massive.... we opted for people watching in the square...

watching... people...


... and pigeons


Back at the Panthenon...for a final evening!

We were duped into buying Roses... which after a photo op (which had to be photoshoped upon return) we gave away... and buying our fantastic Roman scarves... yes i bought pink... we enjoyed my last evening at the Panthenon.  Twas an absolutely fantastic trip to Rome.  We had a superb time... Kari will have to tell you of her adventures after i left....but my week was great!

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my (..289...) pictures...