Liz bday Page 3

Liz turns 21

Liz bday Page 2

Liz bday Page 3

Rome Day 1 and 2

Rome Day 2

Rome Day 3 and 4

Rome Day 4 and 5

Contact Me

Ok I admit... I am only putting the tame pictures on this site... However if you wish to see the various stages of my deterioration I’d be happy to pull up the rest of the pictures... including the "lets give liz as many shots as we can" oh dear... anyway... It was great fun! Thanks to all of you! I can't believeI'm  21!!!! ahhh... its a scary thought! anyway...

Hope you all have a wonderful summer!
Cheers ~me

Aww aren't we just the cutest... Kari and I


Group Shot

Erik, Rhonda, Rod, Me, Kari, Ryan (ok so not the whole group..)

Rhonda, Rod, Me and Kari


"And she's down!"

oh dear....

Liz and the boys.


Alex and Ben

Ok so this doesn't belong here... but I went to Florida in April with the twins and I haven't had a chance to update those pictures here... I will do so! soon! We had a great time! This is Ben and Alex playing in the dinoland playground

Ben Graduates!

He did it!!!!